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Klerksdorp Record, Orkney - Food safety inspections at local tuckshops will be conducted regularly to curb the sales of expired goods to customers.

Last week four foreigners were arrested for not having proper identification when SAPS, together with health inspectors and members of the public safety directorate in the Matlosana Municipality started their inspections in Alabama and Orkney.

According to Ntswaki Makgetha, municipal spokesperson, community members have been complaining about the quality of goods found in local tuck shops. “The purpose of this inspection is to ensure that all local tuck shops comply with legal requirements and sell non-expired goods. The inspection also verifies that these shops have the necessary permits to operate lawfully within the municipality’s jurisdiction.’’

Read more …Spotlight on the selling of expired goods

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - One of the people arrested for the robbery at a Klerksdorp businessman’s home in Meiringspark last week is a former girlfriend of the businessman’s son.

The woman, Gloria Gadinabokao (36) and a man, Thuso Mokwane (34) appeared in the Klerksdorp Magistrate’s Court this week. They were expected to apply for bail on Wednesday November 1.

Read more …Meiringspark robbers in court

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - A man was sentenced to life imprisonment for rape he committed nine years ago. Buti Sendindo (52) was found guilty on a charge of rape and sentenced in the Klerksdorp Magistrates’ Court on October 17.

In terms of the Firearm Control Act, he was declared unfit to possess a firearm. In addition, the court ordered that the accused’s personal particulars be entered into the National Register of Sex Offenders.

He raped a 60 year-old woman in Freemanville in July 2014.

According to Col Adele Myburgh, police spokesperson, the victim was walking along Benji Oliphant Street near the railway line in Jouberton when he offered to show her an alternative shorter route to town. “Whilst walking near Freemanville, he overpowered and raped her twice. During the ordeal, the victim saw another man approaching and screamed for help. The man came to her rescue and with the help of two more men, they apprehended Sendindo and handed him over to the police, who were on patrol in the area.  

Read more …Life imprisonment for rape

Klerksdorp Record, Stilfontein - Two traffic officers were arrested this week after allegedly soliciting a bribe from a motorist.

Members of the Hawks’ Serious Corruption Investigation arrested the officials (aged 30 and 38) in Stilfontein on Tuesday October 24. 

According to Lt-Col Tinyiko Mathebula, spokesperson, the duo allegedly solicited a R2 000 bribe from a motorist following his arrest for drunken driving. 

The complainant was taken to a police station where he reportedly paid the officers R1 000. “The complainant alleges that the officers demanded the R1 000 balance, which he arranged to pay at a later stage. After bringing the matter to the Hawks’ attention, an entrapment was set, which resulted in the officers being caught soon after accepting R2 000 cash from the complainant.”

Read more …Traffic cops arrested on bribery charges

Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - Die landdroshof in Klerksdorp het die saak teen Wernich Botha (33) tot 15 Januarie volgende jaar vir verdere ondersoek uitgestel.

Hy het verlede week vlugtig in die hof verskyn. Botha is aanvanklik van poging tot moord aangekla, maar die staat het die klag na moord verander na die dood van Hilton Pretorius (32) in die hospitaal nadat hy na bewering deur Botha aangerand is. 

Die aanklag van aanranding met die opset om ernstig te beseer is ook na poging tot moord verander nadat die staat die beserings wat PW Roos (44) opgedoen het, wat glo ook deur die beskuldigde aangerand is, hersien het. Die aanklagte teen Botha is nou skedule 5, maar die hof het sy borgtogstatus van R2 000 behou en hom beveel om nie met die staat se getuies in te meng nie. Hy het ook sy paspoort behou.

Botha se hofverskyning spruit uit ‘n voorval in Doringkruin waar Botha die twee mans, Pretorius en Roos, na bewering aangerand het. Albei slagoffers is na ‘n plaaslike hospitaal geneem, waar Roos met ‘n skouerbesering en harsingskudding ontslaan is. Pretorius het uiteindelik aan sy beserings beswyk.

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