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Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Pound services at the Orkney & Klerksdorp Animal Shelter have been cancelled, without explanation.

According to Diane Jacobs, operations manager, they received a letter from the municipality stating they are not equipped to handle the services. The municipality placed a notice in last week’s Klerksdorp Record.

“We have been to a lawyer and we are fighting this decision. People are so upset with us and it is not our fault. We are not allowed to act anymore, and people don’t understand that,’’ she said.

In future, all stray animals are to be reported to the officially appointed pound, Stilfontein Animal Shelter, on 072 814 5927. Suzette Kotze, co-founder of Stilfontein Animal Shelter, is happy with the arrangement. According to her, they will continue as normal.

What does this mean for the Orkney & Klerksdorp Animal shelter and the public? According to Jacobs, this does not mean they are closing down. “We are just going back to how we started off as the Orkney Animal Shelter. Our main objective will continue to focus on the welfare of animals.

”All our operations will remain the same except for the following: we are no longer permitted to collect healthy stray animals, we will, however, respond to any animal requiring medical intervention (photographic proof required) and the emergency kennels will remain open until further notice. The shelter is still open for unwanted animals and adoptions and we will intervene and collect animals if there are welfare concerns such as malnourishment/injury/neglect.”

Klerksdorp Rekord, Lichtenburg - Woede heers oor die brand vandeesweek wat die dorp se museum en stadsaal vernietig het.

Die Vryheidsfront Plus het in ‘n sterk bewoorde verklaring op Woensdagoggend 25 Oktober gesê dit is ʼn bewys dat niks van enige waarde in die sorg van die ANC-regering toevertrou kan word nie.

Erns Kleynhans, LPW in Noordwes van VF Plus, het gesê die party en ander belangegroepe waarsku al jare dat die “kulturele skatte’’ weens onbevoegheid van die ANC-beheerde Ditsobotla-plaaslike munisipaliteit vernietig gaan word. “Die feit dat private maatskappye hul brandweerwaens na die toneel moes ontplooi omdat die owerhede se brandweerwaens sonder water opgedaag het spreek boekdele.’’

Read more …Lichtenburg se museum brand af

Klerksdorp Rekord, Orkney - Ken jy die geestelike lied “hoor jy die klokke beier?” En hoor jy die klokke lui op Orkney? 

Elke dag om 12:00 lui die kerkklok in Byronlaan sewe keer. Dit is om die Orkney gemeenskap te herinner om te bid vir die dorp. Net daar waar jy is kan jy bid vir die dorp se mense, besighede, kinders, die buurtwagte en vir veiligheid terwyl die kerkklok beier.

Dit is by die ou NG Noordvaal kerkgebou waar pastoor Petro Kotze Odendaal en haar Voetliggemeente ingetrek het. Hulle het van Orkney Vaal verhuis waar die kerk gestig is en gebruik nou die kerkgebou wat aan die NG Kerk behoort. Dit is die pastoor se inisiatief om die kerkklok daagliks om 12 uur te laat beier, want “Orkney behoort aan die Here’’.

Read more …Bid vir Orkney as kerkklok lui

Klerksdorp Record, Jouberton - An employee of the municipality is shocked after he was allegedly beaten up by the police when he went to the local police station to enquire about the well-being of his teenage son who was arrested. Now he wants justice...

Daniel Mmane (52) and his son both appeared in the magistrate’s court in Klerksdorp on Thursday October 19. Both spent two nights in the holding cell at the police station before their appearance.

Daniel went to station on October 17, after his son, Keorapetse (19), was arrested for carrying a dangerous weapon. He was, in fact, carrying a table knife. His case was thrown out of court and he was released. Daniel had a very tough experience and it is not over yet.

Read more …Father, son spend time in cell

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The Post Office in the City Mall has been closed since last year, but the post boxes stayed open. They are also closed now.

Upset consumers have been phoning Klerksdorp Record to find out what is happening as according to the complainants they were not informed and they don’t know where to get their post.

Klerksdorp Record contacted the only Post Office still left in the city, Flamwood, and was told that owners of those post boxes can collect their post at the depot in Delver Street.

“Just ask at the window for your post,” the newspaper was told. This is where owners of “postal bags” collected their post.

Flamwood Post Office is still functioning, but you cannot renew your vehicle licence at this Post Office. In Klerksdorp, this service is now only offered at the licencing department in Uraniaville.

The Post Office in Songloed at the Pick n Pay centre is also closed. The Post Offices in Orkney and Stilfontein are still operational.

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