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Klerksdorp Midweek, Rustenburg - In the recent HIV/Aids, STI’s & TB (HAST) Forum, the North West Department of Health awarded different districts in the province for their performance in implementing health programmes that in turn contribute to changing the overall health of citizens.

In these awards the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District was applauded and awarded for championing the National Department of Health’s 95-95-95 Strategy. 

The Strategy aims to ensure that 95% of people living with HIV know their status, 95% of people who know their status are receiving treatment and the 95% of people receiving treatment are virally suppressed. 

When receiving the award, Motsamai Moloi, the District Acting Chief Director, has commended the great work done by officials in the district, citing unmatchable commitment and dedication to their work. “Thank you very much colleagues for your commitment in ensuring that our people receive quality healthcare and our health programmes are bearing fruits,” he said. Working towards the 95%x3 target, the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District is currently performing above all other districts in the province at 81% average as at June 2024. 

He said that more still needs to be done to rea-lise efficient healthcare that benefits all through health promotion and health education that prioritises prevention. The forum and awards respectively were led by Grace Tsele, the provincial Chief Director for Strategic Health Services. 

She congratulated the Dr KK District for championing one of the most critical indicators in the provision of quality health services.