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Klerksdorp Midweek, Potchefstroom - Music lovers can look forward to a musical production in early April with Holland’s Got Talent winner Amira Willighagen as the headliner. This Music Go Round concert will be performed in celebration of Amira’s 21st birthday as well as the tenth anniversary of Gelukskinders, a foundation she set up to make a difference in children’s lives.

Read more …Amira sings songs from musicals

International human rights activist, speaker, and 
author Zulaikha Patel is set to release her second book, Brave Like Me! published by Pan Macmillan SA. The book is an inspiring story of courage, resilience, and the power of young voices. At just 13 years old, Patel became a national symbol of youth activism when she led the #StopRacismAtPretoriaGirlsHigh movement, taking a stand against discriminatory school policies that targeted Black girls’ natural hair.

Read more …A Powerful Story of  Courage and Change

deur Madeleine Louw Blignault - Uitgegee deur NB Uitgewers

Dit is 1950 en Pasgatyd in Oudtshoorn. Leah Abrams, ’n jong entoesiastiese navorser in antieke tale, kuier by haar Joodse rabbi pa en sy tweede vrou, Daniela. Hulle is albei navorsers oor, onder andere, die geskiedenis van Israel.
Maar daar heers konflik in die huis want Leah wil gesels oor die Messias wat sy leer ken het in haar studies, en haar Joodse gesin is nie ontvanklik daarvoor nie.

Read more …Nuut op die rak: Die huis op die hoek

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