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Die Liggiefees by die Abraham Kriel Kinderfees in Potchefstroom is nou al tradisie. Die fees word elke jaar net groter en beter. Toegang is vanaf R40 en hekke maak vanaf 18:00 oop. Vrydagaand 13 Desember tree Droom Sindroom op en Barto tree op 14 Desember op. Daar is ook heerlike kos- en snuffelstalletjies. Foto: Aldus Smith Photography. 

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - AfriForum het landwyd deelgeneem aan die openbare raadplegingsproses oor Eskom se voorgestelde kragtariefverhoging van 36,15% en het Maandag 2 Desember sy geskrewe kommentaar oor dié tariefverhoging tydens Noordwes se sessie ingedien. 
AfriForum het in sy formele kommentaar, wat in Klerksdorp voorgelê en ingedien is, dié buitensporige tariefverhoging teengestaan.

Read more …AfriForum maak stem dik in Noordwes oor Eskom se kragtarief

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - The City of Matlosana Municipality, in collaboration with law enforcement officials and the South African Police Service (SAPS), removed illegal structures and shacks at the taxi rank in KIerksdorp on December 4. The municipality called on vendors to work with the Municipality in maintaining a clean, safe, and healthy environment for all residents and visitors. 

Read more …More illegal structures removed

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Stay sharp and alert with your money as the end of the year approaches! Scammers are on the, look out for any opportunity to get their hands on your hard-earned money. These words of caution come from John Manyike, Group Head of Financial Education at Old Mutual, who says the use of passwords and biometrics may be making people complacent about their security. “You still need to be alert to suspicious activity and, if you think your accounts have been compromised, act immediately,” he warns.

Read more …Beware, scamsters are gearing up for the festive season

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