The Lions clubs of Stilfontein, Klerksdorp and the new Orkney club brought Operation Bright Sight to Laerskool Stilfontein on Monday March 3. Some 520 children lined up for basic eyetests. The test was conducted by Sandy King of the Alberton club. The machine used tested for astigmatism, near and farsightedness as well as other eye problems. According to King, they have detected problems where the children were completely unaware of having an eye problem. More information about this project in this week’s Klerksdorp Record.
Photo: Danie Jacobs.
Seashells exhibition at Klerksdorp museum
Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Klerksdorp Museum is hosting a guest exhibition of a selection of vary colourful and (some of them even rare) seashells. The public can visit the Museum on weekdays between 10:00 and 16:00, Saturdays between 09:00 and 11:45, and Sundays 14:00-16:00 to view this highly educational exhibition.
Report complaints to the police
Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Members of the community are requested to refrain from reporting cases or lodging complaints about SAPS on social media platforms. In a recent incident, a complaint was published on Zeerust Nuus with allegations that Swartruggens police permitted a group of approximately 80 people to load cattle from a farm without the owner’s consent. “As a matter of fact, this matter was never reported to the police, although the group was spotted outside the police station.
Aardklop neem reeds vorm aan
Klerksdorp Midweek, Potchefstroom - Aardklop vind eers in Oktober plaas. Voorbereidings is egter volstoom aan die gang.
Maak ’n knoop in jou oor, ’n nota op jou foon en ’n groot, helder kol in jou dagboek, want Aardklop vind vanjaar van 7-12 Oktober plaas (feesterrein oop van 7-11 Oktober). Die program word in Junie bekendgestel waarna kaartjie-verkope sal open.
Aardklop is vir 11 kykNET Fiëstas 2025 benoem. Die wenners is verlede week tydens ’n glansgeleentheid in Kirstenbosch aangekondig en die fees het weggestap met vier kykNET Fiëstas.
Konsert in Potch vir Amira
Klerksdorp Midweek, Potchefstroom - Musiekliefhebbers kan uitsien na ‘n musikale produksie vroeg in April met die Holland’s Got Talent wenner Amira Willighagen as die trekpleister. Dié Music Go Round-konsert word opgevoer ter viering van Amira se 21ste verjaardag asook die tiende herdenking van Gelukskinders, ‘n stigting wat sy op die been gebring het om ‘n verskil in kinders se lewe te maak.