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NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Griep is ‘n virusinfeksie wat simptome soos koors en kouekoors, nies, hoes, loopneus en ‘n seer keel veroorsaak. Sommige mense kan spierpyne ondervind, moegheid en hoofpyn hê. 
Griep kan vir sommige mense ernstig wees, maar as jy andersins fiks en gesond is, hoef jy gewoonlik nie ‘n dokter te gaan besoek nie. Daar is ‘n entstof beskikbaar vir griep, en dit word aanbeveel dat almal ouer as ses maande elke jaar ‘n griepinenting het. Jy kan die simptome van ligte griep behandel deur te rus en baie water te drink. Medisyne is beskikbaar om koors en pyne te behandel.

Read more …Het jy griep of verkoue?

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG AREA - On 17 June, New Beginnings Support Group in collaboration with Department of Social Development, Biesiesvlei CPF and Department of Health, launched a Drug Awareness Week, starting at SA Living Water Ministry at Grasfontein.
On 20 June New Beginnings Support Group hosted a Drug Awareness event at Dudfield Road (dumping site) with the aim of raising drug awareness and the effects of drug abuse.

Read more …Drug Awareness Week

NOORDWESTER - LICHTENBURG - On 15 June, the community of Majemantsho, Mahikeng came together for a fun walk. 
They also invited Health Department representitive, Lilly Mokgothu, to address the community concerning teenage pregnancy and SAPS on bullying and other crimes. Warrant Officer Lucky Tshele and Sergeant Mavis Khonkhobe attended as CPF and promised to visit the community again.

Read more …Majemantsho celebrated Youth Day

NOORDWESTER - LICHTENBURG - Solidariteit Helpende Hand beywer hom vir die verbreking, die voorkoming en die verligting van armoede, maar ook om gebrekkige kennis die hoof te bied. 
Daarom het Helpende Hand navorsing gedoen rakende kleuters se tande, want tans bestaan daar gebrekkige kennis. Gevolglik het Piet Tande en sy helper, Griet, besoek afgelê by twee skole in Lichtenburg. 

Read more …Piet Tande kuier hier

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