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The Murder Club
By Sam Baron
Published by Storm Publishing
Read by Salomé Kotzé

This book with the catchy title is one of those page turners that will keep you up reading late at night, just finishing one chapter. And then another chapter. And then it is very late, and you might as well just read the next chapter. I just loved the plot. Imagine an exclusive murder club formed by billionaires (yes, you can have too much money) who are being killed off one by one. This club is obsessed with the mysterious ‘Clothesline killer’ - who preys on single mothers being investigated for suspected neglect. Each victim bore the same chilling hallmark - being strangled in her bed at night by a masked figure with a clothesline.

But the Murder Club aren’t the only ones who have been tracking his every move… A local pizza delivery girl has been closely following the cases and built her own investigative report. Though dismissed as isolated crimes before, our hero, FBI agent Susan Parker, unravels a shocking trail of clues from the girl’s scrapbook that lead to the forgotten women and orphaned children left in the killer’s wake.

The storyline is well-developed with superb characters in agent Parker, her family and her colleagues. And then there is the backstory of who is behind Susan’s husband’s murder (as read in The Therapy Room) like a fine thread connecting the books. 

This is more than enough to keep you hooked until the end. Enjoy the read. Oh yes, did I mention a third book is on its way?