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Klerksdorp Record, Jouberton - The township is in shock after the death of a young woman, allegedly at the hands of her boyfriend. Motlalepula Hermina Mokoena (24) was stabbed multiple times by a 26- year-old suspect, believed to be her boyfriend.

She worked as a security guard. She was stabbed in Ext 2 on October 2 and was declared dead on the scene. Her grandmother raised alarm after discovering the bloodied body and cried out for help to the neighbours.

According to Col Adele Myburgh, police spokesperson, Thabo Maputla Selabe was arrested on the same day of the stabbings. He appeared in court on October 4 on a charge of murder.

Stroesbelsrus Communiy Development, a local NGO, demands justice for the killing. 

According to their spokesperson, Bitsa Lenkopane, they visited the family in partnership with other NGO’s to mobilise communities to fight the scourge of femicide, GBV and sexual crimes against women and girls. Mokoena’s funeral took place on Saturday October 7.

Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - Daar is steeds geen spoor van die vermiste James Swanepoel nie.

Sy ouers het die afgelope week hospitale en lykshuise besoek om self te kyk of hul geliefde James nie dalk daar is nie. Die Swanepoels het 
Dinsdagaand 11 Oktober moedeloos teruggery Thabazimbi toe. James se vyfjarige seuntjie woon by hulle en hulle is rasend van bekommernis. 

“Dit is glad nie hoe hy is nie. Ek het net ‘n slegte gevoel oor hierdie hele ding, hoe langer dit vat en ons hoor niks van hom nie. Dit is asof hy nie meer daar is nie,’’ sê sy ma, Natasha die woorde wat sy nie eintlik hardop wil sê nie.

Read more …Raaisel verdiep na pa se verdwyning

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Farmers from the area have been hit hard by veld fires recently, with the loss of animals and thousands of hectares of grazing.

Portable fire equipment and bags of molasses were handed to farmers at the Dr KK Disaster Management Centre on Tuesday October 10.

Farmers gathered at the centre to receive this donation from the Dr Kennet Kaunda District Municipality.

Read more …Farmers get firefighting equipment

Klerksdorp Rekord, Stilfontein - ‘n Onderwysstudent is verlede week op slag dood toe haar motor agter in ‘n vragmotor op die N12 vasgery het.

Volgens Heidi Delport was haar dogter, Zuanthé van Niekerk, onderweg vanaf Thabazimbi na Stilfontein op Donderdag 5 Oktober. Haar pa woon op Thabazimbi. “Dit het regoor OMV Crushers gebeur. Haar motor het aan die brand geslaan en gelukkig is die brand gou geblus. Haar skootrekenaar en bagasie het nie gebrand nie. Sy was egter reeds dood,” sê Delport.

Daar was glo ooggetuies, maar dit is vaag wat gebeur het. “Sy was so naby aan ons huis. Sy het haar seker misgis hoe naby sy aan die vragmotor was.” 

Read more …Student sterf op die N12

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - There are many concerns among consumers about eating eggs and chicken during an avian flu outbreak. 

Consumers can rest assured that properly cooked eggs (and chicken) does not pose a risk of infecting humans with the avian flu. “This is because heat effectively destroys this virus,” says Dr Abongile Balarane, GM: Egg Organisation.

She added that since this virus has been in South Africa there are no reported cases of the spread of this virus from chicken meat or eggs to humans. 

Read more …Don’t eat raw eggs during avian flu outbreak

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