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Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The deadline for South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) beneficiaries to exchange their SASSA Gold Cards for Postbank Black Cards has been extended from February 28 to March 20.

This was announced on Friday February 14 in a joint statement by the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, Solly Malatsi and the Minister of Social Development Nokuzola Tolashe.


Read more …New deadline to replace SASSA cards

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - A local traffic officer rescued a Chinese man who was hijacked and for that he received a big xièxiè (thank you) for his help.

Representatives of the Chinese Embassy visited Matlosana Municipality on Tuesday February 18 to express gratitude towards Duane Dalton. The meeting, held at the Disaster offices, was attended by Acting Executive Mayor Cllr Zitwane, Director of Public Safety Keaobaka Boikanyo, Ci Ren and team members from the Chinese Embassy.




Read more …Chinese say ‘xièxiè’ to traffic officer

Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - Die Wes-Transvaal Ou Motorklub het weer Valentynsdag behoorlik gevier met hul jaarlikse pretrit wat gewoonlik rondom die dag van die liefde plaasvind.

Blinkgepoetste motors is met ‘n warm koppie koffie by ‘n plaaslike motorhandelaar ontvang. Daar was motors vir alle smake van stokoud tot meer modern. Instruksies asook die roete wat hulle moet volg vir die skattejag is hier bespreek. Die roete het vanaf Klerksdorp deur Stilfontein tot by die klubhuis gestrek. Die raaisels en verlore strate het vir baie opwinding gesorg en agterna het almal saamgebraai en gelag oor die dag se avontuur.

Hulle het ook pryse uitgedeel. Basie van der Merwe is aangewys as die braafste bestuurder van die dag aangesien hy twee dames in sy motor vervoer het. Dalien Prins het die prys vir besgeklede persoon gekry.




By Danie Jacobs

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Ster-Kinekor closed their cinemas in Matlosana Mall last week for good. This is a dark day for the city!

I moved to Klerksdorp in the seventies and remember the Leba housed our movies. I will never forget how packed the cinema was when they screened Superman. I had to sit in the aisle and there was a queue outside, waiting for the next screening. 



Read more …No more movie theatres in Klerksdorp

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