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Laerskool Goudkop se hoofleiers vir 2025 is aangekondig. Anru van Deventer en Miané Randall is hoofseun en hoofmeisie. Agter hom is Ruan Pelser en Keagan Flangan (onderhoofseuns)en agter haar is Hymne DuRand en Miandi Spies (onderhoofmeisies). 







Laerskool Noodvaal se sportmeisie van die jaar is Mischanè Potgieter, en die dux-leerlinge is Esmè Cronje en Mianique Jacobs (ook kultuurprestasie) en Damian van Wyk is sportseun van die jaar.





Amy Scrooby, Mia van Zyl, Chloe Steyn en Abigail Steyn van Laerskool La Hoff het hul Noordweskleure in trompoppies ontvang. Chloe en Abigail is ook aangewys as die beste junior trompoppies by die proewe kamp. Liani Myburg (nie op die foto) het as fasiliteerder opgetree.




Two learners of Milner High School received a combined total of 22 awards. Khanyisile Dlulane and Tshireletso Maputle are not only best friends, but also top achievers at school. At the prize giving, Khanyisile was announced Dux Scholar for 2024 with Tshireletso a very close runner-up. Khanyisile received prizes for first in class, subject and trophy awards for CAT, Life Orientation, Life Science, Mathematics and Physical Science. Tshireletso received prizes for first in class and subject and trophy awards for English, Hospitality and Tourism.






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