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Laerskool President se o/13A krieketspan tree vir die derde jaar as Noordweswenners uit die liga. Twee spanlede, Suresh Adams (kaptein) en Bron-Wayne Stuurman, is opgeneem in die Noordwes o/13A stedelike span. Die wenspan bestaan uit (voor) Jayden Badenhorst, Reo Mokoena en Bron-Wayne Stuurman. (middel) Byron du Preez (tellinghouer), Suresh Adams (kaptein), Katleho Sejake, Jadon Amir, Jared Spandeel en Luan Booyens (onderkaptein) en agter is Xander Reyneke, Ryno Pretorius, Abrie Senekal (afrigter) en Koketso Sebokeng.




Ayanda Mpisi is Western Reefs Primary School’s Dux learner for 2024. Ayanda also received the top reward for discipline and the W trophy for exceptional leadership. 









Choose Life Personal Development, in collaboration with a local car dealership, brought their impactful “Be A Buddy Not A Bully” campaign to Laerskool Noordvaal in Orkney recently. The campaign focused on educating learners about the importance of kindness, self-worth, and the power of standing up against bullying. Choose Life’s mission is to inspire young people to embrace their value and treat others with dignity. Gerhard Nieuwoudt and George Roodt are pictured with the children.



Laerskool Goudkop se dux-leerlinge vir 2024 is Nina Brand (gr 7), Miandi Spies (gr 6), Milann Herridge (gr 5) en Josh van Zyl (gr 4).




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