Milner High School presented a Cancer Awareness Week last week at the school with learners and teachers wearing ribbons in support of cancer warriors. The week ended on Thursday October 12 with a spray-a-thon where all funds raised were donated to Cansa. The school invited three ladies on motorbikes to join this great initiative and they made some noise to the enjoyment of the learners. The message of the day was that cancer doesn’t choose age or race. Photo: Provided.
Hindu temple now Hare Krishna Centre
Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Bhakti Caitanya Swami Maharaj, the spiritual head of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) officially accepted the donation of the Klerksdorp Hindu Samaj Temple and Hall complex on the first Sunday of October. The complex will henceforth be known as the New Vrindavan Hare Krishna Centre of Klerksdorp.
The handover ceremony was attended by dignitaries and officials of Iskcon South Africa and a small contingent of active Klerksdorp Hindu devotees and members of the Klerksdorp Hindu Samaj. The programme of events included an official welcome and garlanding of Bhakti Caitanya Swami Maharaj by Bhagoo Persotam and Prakash Morar, the outgoing officials of the Klerksdorp Hindu Samaj.
Ward 16, 17 go to polls
Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Two municipal ward by-elections will take place in Klerksdorp on Wednesday October 11.
The by-elections in wards 16 and 17 will be contested by eight candidates from four political parties. Both these wards were won by the DA in the 2021 local government election but became vacant when the councillors resigned earlier.
Ward 16 (La Hoff, Elandia, Elandsheuwel and Flimieda) will be contested by four candidates.
Bella bags another title
Isabella Grace van der Westhuizen (5) was crowned as the new Mini Miss RSA in the princess division on Tuesday October 2.
She placed fourth in talent from ages 4-12 years and also fifth in high fashion where she automatically qualified to participate in New York Fashion Week 2024.
Isabella was selected to participate at Royal International Miss in Orlando, USA that is taking place in July next year where she will compete for the coveted title that is number one in children’s pageants according to Pageant Planet.
Photo: Provided.
Betaal of word afgesny...
Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Besighede en huishoudings wat agterstallig is met hul munisipale rekeninge kan verwag om afgesny te word.
Die Matlosana Munisipaliteit se tesourie het einde September begin rooi briewe uitdeel om uitstaande skuld in te vorder. Huishoudings en besighede met agterstallige rekenings is besoek.
“Sommige het daarin geslaag om te betaal terwyl ander gesny is. Besighede in Klerksdorp CBD, Freemanville, Meiringspark, Wilkeville en Wilkoppies is besoek,” het Ntswaki Makgetha, munisipale woordvoerder, gesê.