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Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Parents/guardians are urged to visit their nearest health facility to ensure that their babies are fully immunized. 

This request comes after the low turnout for the 0-12 month immunizations in the Dr KK district. The Chief Director: District Health Services, Philemon Maboe says parents need to know that immunizations are crucial for the overall health and development of babies. 


Read more …Take babies for immunizations

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Another police officer stationed at Jouberton police station was murdered.

Sgt Fundiswa Motlhaoleng was gunned down on Tuesday afternoon January 14 while she was on her way to work. Brig Sabatha Mokgwabone, police spokesperson, said she was shot by unknown suspects while in her private vehicle driving in Tjaart Kruger Street, Randlespark. Three empty cartridges were found at the scene. Her body was found inside her vehicle. She was shot in the face.




Read more …Sergeant gunned down

Klerksdorp Record, Khuma - It is the smell of decaying bodies that will stay with the mine rescue workers tasked with extracting illegal miners from their underground hell at shaft 11.

The illegal miners as well as the decomposing bodies from those who succumbed underground are hoisted to the surface, and as one rescue worker told Klerksdorp Record, even those still living, smell like the dead.






Read more …Rescue operation continues: Bodies pile up

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