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Klerksdorp Rekord, Kanana - Speurders van Kanana het deurnag gewerk om die moordenaars van drie Basotho mans wat aangerand en in die Schoonspruit gegooi is, op te spoor.

Vier mans, ook van Lesotho, is in hegtenis geneem vir die marteling en moord op drie van hul landge-note die afgelope naweek.

Volgens kol Adele Myburgh, polisiewoordvoerder, het alles begin by ‘n bakleiery tussen Basotho mans by ‘n drinkplek in uitb 3 van Kanana. 



Read more …Lyke in Schoonspruit: Polisie trek vier vas

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Next week, a mobile cancer screening unit will park in Klerksdorp with state of the art equipment to provide mammography and breast ultrasounds.

These screening services will be done by female staff. The mobile unit will be stationed at the parking lot of Builder’s Warehouse from February 3 until February 14. Inside you will find friendly female staff, state of the art equipment, air-conditioned rooms and private changing rooms.


Read more …Mobile unit to screen for breast cancer

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The Rotary Club of Orkney handed out vocational service awards this week.

Recipients were Romke de Jongh, Tinus Kits, Edelweiss Collignon and Salomé Kotzé. In handing out the awards, Orkney Rotary president Johan Gerber said Rotary recognizes people who have achieved excellence in their vocation and provide outstanding community service.

Read more …Rotarians honour local heroes

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