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STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: Fifty-nine of the top Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 learners from the Naledi Local Education Office (LEO) were invited by the Senior Education Specialist, Mr. Christo van Rensburg, to participate in a competition in the form of a test, to motivate and reward them for being such hard working learners.  The competition was held over three days (30 & 31 July and 1 August 2024).

Read more …Top maths lit learners compete

STELLALANDER-VAALHARTS: AfriForum se Vaalharts-buurtwag het in Junie in samewerking met die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) en ander rolspelers ’n geheime operasie uitgevoer om onwettige mynbedrywighede in die omgewing van die geslote Bellsbank-diamantmyn (naby Spitskopdam in die Noord-Kaap) hok te slaan en ongeveer 25 arrestasies gemaak. 

Read more …Vaalharts-buurtwag help SAPD met arrestasies tydens geheime operasie

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