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Sun, Dec

STELLALANDER-BLOEMHOF: Vir die afgelope 40 jaar is dit die voorreg van Bloemhof VLU om die jaarlikse miniskou aan te bied by Japie Kritzinger Tehuis. 
Die miniskou se inskrywings was Woensdag 3 Julie, die besigtiging Donderdag 4 Julie en die prysuitdeling was Vrydag 5 Julie aangebied. Daar was verskeie afdelings waarin daar deelgeneem kon word soos personeel, 60-69jr, 70-79jr, 80 jr en ouer, spesiale afdeling en samesyn.


Read more …VLU Bloemhof bied miniskou aan by Japie Kritzinger Tehuis

Your unwavering commitment and selfless dedication to saving lives and providing urgent care are nothing short of heroic.
In moments of crisis, you are the calm in the storm, the light in the darkest hours. Your compassion, resilience, and expertise make a profound difference in countless lives every single day.
Thank you for your tireless efforts, your strength, and your courage.
Read more …To our incredible paramedics

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