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Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - Die man wat nou al vir amper drie weke vermis is, was glo betrokke in ‘n vurige verhouding met ‘n getroude vrou van Stilfontein. James Swanepoel (25) was die middag van 17 September op pad om sy minnares by die Pick n Pay-sentrum in Songloed te ontmoet. Hy is sedertdien nog nie weer gesien nie. Sy tannie, Katy Steyn, is bekommerd en vermoed vuilspel. “Dit is glad nie in sy aard om net te verdwyn nie.

Read more …Waar is James?

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The Indian Shopping Centre has been without water for more than two weeks.
Shoppers and shop owners have contacted Klerksdorp Record anonymously to complain about the situation as the Centre has food outlets that need water and those who work and shop there has to go to the nearby Terminus to use the toilet - at a fee.
A fire also broke out at the Centre on September 30, and there was no water in the complex, luckily the damage was minimal. 

Read more …Taps still dry at Indian Centre

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