Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The winners of the North West Veteran Mixed Pairs competition were decided in Parys on October 10 with Klerksdorp Bowling Club managing to win the gold and silver medals.
In the quarter-finals, Cathy and Willie Venter beat Potchefstroom’s Christo Stoltz and Elien Theunissen 21 shots vs 19 shots on an extra end to proceed to the semi-final. In the other quarter-final, Dalene Peens and Piet Croucamp beat Magdel O`Donoghue and Frans van Niekerk 19 shots vs 14 shots to end up in the other semi-final.
Glow in the dark
Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Matlosana Mall’s Glow in the Dark Night Run will take place on Tuesday October 24 at 19:00. Get ready to light up the night and lace up your running shoes.
Choose your distance and register now: 2.5 km: R30, 5 km: R50 and 10 km: R80.
Goeie rugbyjaar vir NWU
Klerksdorp Rekord, Potchefstroom - Daar was Woensdagaand 4 Oktober min tot geen wenkbroue gelig toe Vernon Paulo, die NWU se uithalerhaker, as die NWU Rugbyinstituut se Speler van die Jaar aangewys was nie.
Paulo is met die Johan Claassen-trofee vir sy uithalerspel in die Varsitybeker beloon en was deurgaans uitsonderlik. Nie net het hy die meeste drieë in die kompetisie gedruk nie - voorwaar ʼn rariteit vir ʼn vaste voorspeler - maar sy werksetiek en leierskap was ook van die vernaamste eienskappe deur die loop van die kompetisie.
Tino Swanepoel is as die Varsitybeker Speler van die Jaar aangewys en ondersteuners sal vir lank dié kookwater veelsydige speler se pragdrieë gedurende die kompetisie onthou. Sy twee drieë in die eindstryd teen Ikeys was uiteindelik deurslaggewend vir die seevierende NWU Eagles.
NWU rewards young sport heroes
Klerksdorp Record, Potchefstroom - The NWU’s Potchefstroom Campus recently announced its Sportswoman and Sportsman of the Year.
One has adorned billboards from Cape Town to Potchefstroom Campus, the other is a bit more inconspicuous. But, there is no denying the impacts made Elmeré van den Berg and Jarred Elliot in their respective sporting codes of netball and badminton during 2023.
They were also rightly honoured as the NWU Potchefstroom Campus’ Sportswoman and Sportsman of the Year. The lanky Elmeré reached for spectacular heights in her young career by representing the Proteas during the locally held World Cup in addition to excelling in the Spar Protea Diamond Challenge and the Netball Quad Series.
Bokke te sterk vir Tonga
Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - Die kragmeting tussen die Springbokke en Tonga die afgelope naweek was ‘n swaargewigstryd.
Tonga het in die skrums swaar gesteun op Ben Tameifuna se volle 150kg wat hom nie gekeer het om ‘n drie te druk nie. SA het egter net te veel skietgoed gehad om Tonga se voorspelers te beperk en die SA-agterlyn net te veel spoed.