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The secrets next door by Sally Royer-Derr
Publisher: Storm Publishing
Review by: Salomé Kotzé

If what happens in other people’s homes is your thing, then this will be your type of book.  The new buzz word in reader's circles is domestic noir and going by the title of this book, you won't be disappointed. I was hooked from the first page.
The new buzz word is domestic noir and the title of this book doesn’t disappoint. I was hooked from the first page. The chapters in the book are short, and manages to draw you in very early with lots of gossip, a taste of sibling rivalry, secrets and drama dripping from the pages.

Yes, the suburbs are calling, and we must answer.

The reader is introduced to twin sisters, Talia and Tabitha. They are neighbours and while they may look the same, they are quite different from each other as you quickly realise. Some chapters are written from each sister’s point of view, and with perfect descriptions you soon get the hang of their lives. And what ticks them off.

Read more …Boekeblad: What happens in the suburbs, stays in the suburbs

Capture or Kill deur Tom Marcus
Uitgewer: Macmillan
Lesersindruk: Stefaans Coetzee.

Tom Marcus se 2018 debuutfiksie, Capture or kill, val 100% in die ek-was-daar-formule van die laaste twee dekades, maar weens sy jarelange agtergrond in die intelligensie wêreld, is sy aanslag vars, en dit alleen het die lees die moeite werd gemaak. Inteendeel, ek het reeds Defend or die gekoop.
Sy skryfstyl herinner weliswaar aan McNab se vroeë werke, maar dit is sy persoonlike kennis as ʼn voormalige MI5-spioen, wat die lewe van ʼn hedendaagse spioen in detail vir ons inkleur, wat lesers gaan verower.

Read more …Boekeblad: As die bloed van die bladsye af drup

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - ‘n Nuwe beginnerskursus in Tswana begin eersdaags by die plaaslike museum.
Dit word oor tien Saterdae aangebied en die koste is R1 750.
Die kursus sal op 6 April begin en op 13, 20, 27 April, 4, 11, 18, 25 Mei en 1 en 8 Junie aangebied word. Dit sal van 09:00 tot 11:00 aangebied word.
“Bemagtig jouself deur Tswana te leer en in Tswana te begin kommunikeer. Jy dwing daardeur nie net respek af nie, maar dit bevorder ook interpersoonlike verhoudings met ander kulture. 
“Maak dit ‘n nuwejaarsvoorneme en begin sommer dadelik,” sê Marcello Hanekom, kursusaanbieder.
Stuur ‘n e-pos na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. om meer uit te vind.

Tannie Maria, everyone’s favourite amateur detective and agony aunt, has finally heeded the call of her fans countrywide to produce her very first cookbook.
Recipes to Die Live For, features recipes from Sally Andrew’s first four murder mystery novels, as well as some tantalising new additions. Andrew, creator of the inimitable Tannie Maria, will publish her first cookbook with Penguin Random House South Africa (PRHSA) in May 2024.
Recipes to Die Live For is not only a celebration of Tannie Maria’s delectable recipes but of her philosophy, of the Karoo and of life itself, Andrew explains. “I am so excited about Recipes to Die Live For. 

Read more …Boekeblad: Detective and agony aunt produces first cookbook

deur Sidney Gilroy

Die lang verwagte vierde boek van Sidney Gilroy is uiteindelik op die rak en word klaar as ‘n blitsblaaier beskryf. Dit is nie ‘n opvolg op Gilroy se vorige drie boeke nie, maar ons lees weer van Petunia Moraleng, voormalige stasiebevelvoerder op Parys, wat lesers in Vlam leer ken het en nou haar rang kwyt is en oorgeplaas word Mooibaai toe. Oornag bevind sy haarself as hoofondersoeker in ‘n raaiselagtige moordsaak nadat die oorskot van twee jong vroue vroeg in Desember (vakansietyd) ontdek 

Read more …Nuut op die rak: Bloedsomer

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