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Klerksdorp Midweeek, Klerksdorp - Die aftelling het begin na die 94ste wèreldbiddag vir vroue wat vroeg volgende maand plaasvind. 
Dié jaarlikse geleentheid reg oor die wêreld, waar vroue bymekaarkom om te bid, vind op Vrydag 1 Maart om 10:00 plaas by die Hervormde Kerk Môrester. Vroue van alle denominasies in die Kosh-gebied is welkom om die verrigtinge by te woon.  
Die tema vanjaar is: “Ek dring aan... Verdra mekaar in liefde”. Die fokusland, wat al 7 jaar terug deur die internasionale komitee aangewys is, is Palestina.
Die verrigtinge sal tweetalig geskied. Daar sal ook ‘n dankoffer ten bate van die Wèreldbiddag vir Vroue-organisasie wees. “Daar is ‘n dringende behoefte om in te tree vir Klerksdorp, Suid-Afrika, die oorloë in Europa asook vir die wêreld.

Read more …Biddag vir vroue word wêreldwyd gevier

Klerksdorp Midweek, Hartbeesfontein - Mev Klerksdorp se liefdadigheidsprojek vir die SAVF/Evanna tehuis op Hartbeesfontein is besig om momentum te kry.
Lizelle Mahoney is besig om omgeepakkies op te maak om aan bejaarde inwoners van die tehuis uit te deel. ‘n Groot behoefte bestaan vir badseep, waslappe, handdoeke, tandepasta, deodorant en volwasse doeke. Met die winter wat naderkom is komberse en kouse ook ‘n behoefte.
“Baie van die inwoners in Evanna het net hul staatspensioene en oorleef skaars, daar is nie geld vir basiese behoeftes nie. Ek wil hulle graag bystaan en vra almal om saam by te dra sodat ons die las op die tehuis ligter kan maak,’’ sê sy.
Enigiemand wat ‘n bydrae wil lewer, kan vir Lizelle ‘n whatsapp stuur na 074 851 3356. Sy sal skenkings ook oplaai.

Klerksdorp Midweek, Potchefstroom - The Rooy Food Market and car boot sale has a big surprise for visitors!
Driving from Klerksdorp to Potchefstroom will definitely be worth it as Elsabe Zietsman, well-known, singer, cabaret star and actress, will perform for free. She will be accompanied on the piano. She is also a well-known foodie and was the owner of a restaurant in Melville, Johannesburg.
The market will take place on Sunday February 25 at the Van Rooyen Hall in Piet Bosman Street and entrance is free. The market will take place between 10:00 and 15:00 and Zietsman will perform at 10:30.
Expect artisan food, eats and treats, cheese, meat, handicrafts, live music, the car boot sale and much more. Contact Tania on 079 918 2092 for more information.

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Over the last four years, the SA Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR) has seen a marked increase in the number of children being referred for stem cell transplantation as a result of blood disorders and childhood cancers.  
Of the more than 800 patients referred for stem cell transplantation since 2019, 35% have been under the age of 18 years. In light of World Cancer Day that is commemorated in February, the SABMR is encouraging parents to seek medical attention for any symptoms or ailments that persist in children as early diagnosis is key in treating many childhood cancers.  
Deputy Director for the SABMR, Jane Ward, says leukaemia followed by lymphoma are the most common cancers among children worldwide. According to the National Cancer Registry (NCR), half of the cases diagnosed in South Africa are children under four years of age.  

Read more …Nearly 4 in 10 patients referred for stem cell transplants are children

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - The pressures facing today’s generation of adolescents and young adults are taking a toll on their mental health, increasing the risk of drug addiction and suicide. 
 “For any young person, it can be difficult to adjust to the rapid physical and emotional changes during this time - even without a mental health disorder in the picture. Parents, teachers, and caregivers should therefore be alert to signs that could suggest adolescents or teenagers are struggling,” says Dr Odayar ahead of Teen Suicide Prevention Week.

Read more …Teens need support more than ever

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