Curro Klerksdorp’s new head of high school is Cindy Venter. The previous head of high school, Hendrik Bekker, accepted the position of executive head of the Drakensberg Boys Choir School.
Curro Klerksdorp’s new head of high school is Cindy Venter. The previous head of high school, Hendrik Bekker, accepted the position of executive head of the Drakensberg Boys Choir School.
Curro learner Keketso Letshabo (Grd 11), Monte Gird, Estate Manager, and Christo Ferreira, Head of Sport: High School Curro, were selected for the ACNW (Athletics Central North West) cross-country team. They will participate in the ASA South African National Championships on Saturday September 7.
Duncan Fritz en Hein van Wyk van Hoërskool Schoonspruit neem die naweek aan die SA-landloopbyeenkoms deel.
Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Naledi Dikhudu, a Grade 11 learner at THS Klerksdorp, is back from the International Association of Majorette-sport in Agen, France as part of the Central Senior South African team.
The team comprises drummies from North West, KZN and the Free State.
Naledi, which means “star” in Sotho, was 9 years old when she caught the drummie “bug”. She started in KPS’ Drummie Club and proceeded to the THS Drummie squad and is now the team captain for the THS All Stars Drum Majorette team for the second season. In addition, she also led the North West team at the national competition. She was subsequently selected for the South African Central Drum Majorette team that competed in France.
Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - Laerskool La Hoff het die jaar se Super 8 landloopkompetisie gewen.
Die kompetisie het einde Julie in Kroonstad plaasgevind en span die kroon op die jaar se harde werk. Altesaam 30 Hoffies het deelgeneem waarvan 18 van die atlete top vyf plekke behaal het. Nog ‘n veer in die hoed vir die skool wat vroeër vanjaar die Super 8 atletiek en Super 8 Rugby en Netbal gewen het.