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NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG – Farmers are urged to be vigilant and work with the police. As we gradually approach festive season, members of the community and various sectors of the society are urged to be vigilant and work together with the police in the fight against any form of criminality through the Safer Festive Season Operation Shanela which commenced on 15 October 2023. 

Read more …Office of the Provincial Commissioner North West: Farmers 

NOORDWESTER - LICHTENBURG - In an effort to address the high numbers of reported domestic violence, Gender-Based Violence and substance abuse cases around one of Lichtenburg’s local townships, Blydeville, Lichtenburg SAPS CPO and internal organizations within SAPS comprising of Women’s Network, Spiritual Crime Prevention, Wellness Champions, Crime Prevention Youth Desk, the FCS, CPF, Community in Blue deployed themselves to conduct crime-fighting and multi-disciplinary awareness campaign on gender-based violence and substance abuse today.

Read more …GBV door-to-door awareness campaign

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Eindelik is die wagtyd verby.
Die organiseerders vra almal wat gehekel en gebrei het, om Vrydagmiddag, 24 November 2023 om 15:00 (drie uur) by die Klipkerk te wees vir ‘n foto.

Die Blokkieboom is op die terrein van die Klipkerk en staan 12meter hoog. 
Daar is veel meer as 10 000 blokkies. ‘n Nuwe rekord! Dit was ‘n massiewe projek van Mevrou Lichtenburg Elegant Organisasie wat groot lof verdien. Dankie aan elke vrou wat gehelp het om van die projek so groot sukses te maak.

Read more …Blokkieboom van liefde

NOORDWESTER – BOIKUTSO – Lichtenburg SAPD vat hande op Woensdag, 15 November met die Departement van Gesondheid en Immigrasiekantoor en vaar Boikutso in.
Die doel was om alle klein besighede te besoek, veral diegene wat voedselprodukte verkoop. 

Kol Willem Bekeer, Lichten-burg stasiebevelvoerder sê 17 winkels is besoek. Twee van dié is gesluit.

Read more …Besighede in Boikutso word vasgevat

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