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NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - The Lichtenburg SAPS Community Service Centre (CSC) Constable Matli, Sector 2 commander Cat Sebothe, Crime Prevention Youth Desk representative, B Gause and M Maleshane in partnership with the Boikhutso location CPF and CIB conducted a GBV, ANTI-FRAUD campaign while doubling their efforts to ensure that the Boikhutso community eradicates crime within the neighbourhood. 
Through the mobile SAPS Community Service Centre, members are bringing services closer to the people and increasing police visibility there by also helping with certifications and affidavits for everyone. 

Read more …Anti-Fraud and GBV awareness campaign

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Kolonel Willem Bekeer bevestig dat Lichtenburg SAPD, K9 Mahikeng TRT, Mahikeng POP, Ditsobotla Plaaslike Verkeer, Plaaswag en Gemeenskap in blou op Woensdag, 24 Januarie ‘n gesamentlike operasie uitgevoer het ter herinnering aan die verkeersbeampte en kollega Khumo Gabriel Kalebe wat op 4 Januarie oorlede is.
Hy is op 13 Januarie ter ruste gelê. Die operasie het om 06:00 afgeskop. Twee spanne het gelyktydig twee gebiede gemonitor.

Read more …Operasie Khumo Gabriel Kalebe

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - The Lehurutshe Magistrates’ Court postponed the the case against Obakeng Segwabe (19) and Olebogeng Mafora (21), to 31 January 2023, for further investigations. 
The duo was scheduled to apply for bail but opted to abandon it. They are facing five counts of murder, two of violation of courses and one of defeating the ends of justice.Police reports revealed that the two were Initially arrested for the alleged murder of two people after human bones were found in a plastic in the bushes near Mosweu village. 

Read more …Men linked to five deaths

NOORDWESTER- Lichtenburg - Lichtenburg Dierewelsyn het ‘n situasie by ‘n eiendom waar wilde katte klaarblyklik verwyder word. 
Hierdie katte loop die gevaar om vergiftig te word, wat hul verwydering noodsaak. Bewyse van rotgif wat gebruik word naby die gebiede waar die katte gevoer word, kan op die foto’s gesien word. In plaas daarvan om die katte by die eiendom te hou, waar die katte die knaagdierbevolking sal bekamp, wil die eienaar skynbaar hê hulle moet verwyder word.

Read more …Aaklige vergiftiging

NOORDWESTER – ZEERUST - Saturday, 13 January, information was received by Lehurutshe Stock 
Theft and Endangered Species Unit (STES), leading to a cattle post in Nietverdiend where five Bonsmara cattle were found without brand marks. Police seized the cattle and took them to a local pound.

Read more …Stolen cattle found

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