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NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Lichtenburg SAPS representatives, together with the Community Police Forum, embarked on a Community Outreach campaign at the Sanlam Plaza Complex in Lichtenburg.
The issues addressed were GBV, card cloning, fraudulent way of offering jobs, and substance abuse. The representatives spoke to community members while they were standing in line to receive their social grants.

Read more …Community Outreach

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Daar is ongetwyfeld talle mense in Noordwes se uitgestrekte boerderygemeenskappe wat die Tswana-taal deeglik onder die knie het. Maar meneer, mevrou – hoe dink jy sou jy vaar as jy vir ongeveer 90 minute lank rugbykomentaar in Tswana vir een van die SABC se swart stasies moes uitsaai? 
‘n Afrikaanssprekende boer van Groot-Marico het die land aan die praat en verbaasde Tswanasprekende gemeenskappe aan die luíster met die gemak waarmee hy die afgelope twee dekades al sokker- en rugbykommentaar in Tswana oor die SAUK se radio- en tv-senders laat ego.

Read more …Maricoboer se Tswanakommentaar het land aan die praat

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - “Ons erfenis is besig om voor ons oë te verbrokkel.” Só sê Barry Müller, die Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge (FAK) se kultuurnetwerkkoördineerder, nadat die FAK ’n regsbrief op die Ditsobotla Plaaslike Munisipaliteit beteken het. Die FAK probeer al maande lank om die munisipaliteit te kry om hulle verpligtinge na te kom en die Noordwes Landbou Museum in Lichtenburg te beveilig, maar al die versoeke het op dowe ore geval.

Read more …Federasie vir Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge (FAK) neem regstappe teen munisipaliteit

NOORDWESTER – MOLOPO - The Molopo Magistrates’ Court postponed the case against Dr Andrew Lekalakala (58), the former head of department at the North West Department of Health, and his co-accused, Joseph Leshabane (61), to 31 January 2024, for further investigations. Lekalakala is facing two charges of contravening the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and two of fraud, and he was granted R10 000 bail. Leshabane is charged with his company, Raliform Investment, on six counts of fraud amounting to over R49 million, and he was granted R50 000 bail. The two were arrested by members of the Hawks’ Serious Corruption Investigation and Serious Commercial Crime Investigation Units on Monday, 02 October 2023, around Mahikeng.

Read more …Fraud and PFMA contravention case co-accused linked

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