BRITS POS – BRITS - Thornhill Primary School het vanaf Woensdag, 20 Junie tot Vrydag, 22 Junie, ‘n baie suksesvolle kriekettoernooi aangebied vir die omliggende laerskole ter voorbereiding van die krieketliga-wedstryde wat na die skoolvakansie begin.
TOYOTA PRADO 2024 - Robust and ambitious
BRITS POS – BRITS – The all-new Toyota Prado was launched recently and the team at Intertoy Toyota in De Boer Street, Brits, is proud to announce that this elegant 7-seater family SUV is one of a kind.
The Toyota Prado is with no doubt a robust off-road vehicle with ambitious design, rugged durability and luxurious refinement, promising a dynamic driving experience.
Ronel voltooi haar eerste Comarades
BRITS POS – BRITS - Ronel Joubert, ‘n onderwyser van Hoërskool Brits, het Sondag vir die eerste keer, die uitmergelde Comrades Marathon aangepak.
Sy het die wedloop van 85,91km in ‘n tyd van 11:51;26 suksesvol voltooi en haar Vic Clapham medalje ontvang. Sondag het die op-wedloop om 05:30 by Durban se stadsaal begin en Ronel was doelgerig om die wedloop te voltooi, want soos sy sê: “as jy ‘n doelwit vir jouself stel, is dit net jy wat jouself kan terug hou om dit nié te behaal nie.”
CLASHES OF GIANTS Northam Wolves vs Rhinos
BRITS POS – BRITS - The Northam Wolves started the 2024 Rugby Season on a high note, being crowned the PVR Leopards Champions for the 2nd consecutive year.
The Castle Carlton Cup had its own challenges for the “Sleeping Giants” in the first round of the competition, whereas the club kicked off the season against their rivals, Northam Rhinos and then defending champions Naka Bulle, on both matches the Northam Wolves had to bow the knee, just realising how tough the Castle Carlton Competition is.
Karatekas gradeer met welslae
BRITS POS – BRITS – Verlede Saterdag, 25 Mei, het die karatekas van Bosveld Karate Akademie hulle tegniek en vernuf tydens die akademie se gradering tentoongestel en suksesvol gegradeer.
Na 33 jaar is Bosveld Karateka, onder leiding van Shihan Marius Ferreira (7de Dan), steeds volstoom aan die gang en karatekas van formaat word hier gevorm.