Klerksdorp Midweek, Kanana - Tlhoriso Richard Kalamane ordinarily known as “Bonzo” is a philanthropic and principled person, with humble beginnings and he is from the dusty streets of Kanana - a community known for its violence and notorious activities. He holds pure intentions about the Good News – Gospel, and is not a Great Man of God, but the principled and humble servant of the Great God. He strongly believes that there’s no relationship between Salvation and Money as grace cannot be jugged nor be bottled and is not in any way for sale.
It is during the pandemic when the urge to write books became like a thirst that needed to be quenched.
Moenie Triest Kersmark mis
Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Die eerste naweek in Desember is dit tyd vir die Triest Sentrum se jaarlikse Kersmark. Die mark skop die Vrydagaand 1 Desember af met heerlike peuselgoed wat sommer vir aandete vir die gesin sal sorg. Bring jou beursie vir lekker basaarkos soos Kerrie en rys, tuisgebakte pasteie en ander lekkernye.
Make a difference in your community
Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - The staff at Khaya Tshepo are busy preparing for their year-end festivities for the children… and the most important one is the annual Festive Food Parcel Project. According to Charleen Diedericks of Khaya Tshepo Home of Hope for Vulnerable Children, this is their way of making sure that, with the help of our community, the children and their families have enough to eat during the four weeks that they will be at home and not receiving their normal two nutritious meals and two snacks per day, at Khaya Tshepo.
Kom proe, kuier by kosmark
Klerksdorp Midweek, Potchefstroom - Die kabaretkunstenaar en sanger Helena Hettema tree die laaste Sondag in November op by die Rooy Kosmark in Potchefstroom. Die gewilde kosmark in die Van Rooyensaal spog met heerlike kosstalletjies vir die fynproewer. Tuisgemaakte produkte, selfgemaakte kaas, produkte en tuisgebak word verkoop. Daar is gewoonlik ook snuffelstalletjies met tweedehandse produkte.
Matlosana library runs awareness campaign
Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Matlosana Municipality Library Services held an awareness campaign on the Rights of People with Disabilities on Thursday November 16. The campaign was in the form of a colouring competition for learners from local schools of People with Disabilities. Six schools or centres participated in the competition, namely Tecford Centre, Daphne Lee, Janie Schneider, Mohau, Folang Emmanuel, and Triest. The competition required learners to colour the South African Coat of Arms with appropriate and relevant colours.