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Brian Kenneth School of Performing Arts held their awards ceremony on Friday November 29. The best students for 2024 are (back) Wilma Radyn, Shiloh De La Rose, Amber Travers, Kamea Veldman, Simone van Niekerk, Thene Christie, and (front) Anushka Radyn, Drienie van Eeden and Megan Burger.





Klerksdorp Record, Potchefstroom - Witrand Hospital said goodbye to its psychiatrist and welcomed a new one. Dr Sharon Maitin left the hospital after 14 years. Dr Gopolang Zwide is the new psychiatrist. 

Dr Maitin extended special thanks to the nursing staff and encouraged them to continue their advocacy for psychiatry and to provide exceptional care to patients. Reflecting on her departure, Dr Maitin shared that the decision was not due to any dissatisfaction with Witrand, but rather the physical and emotional toll of commuting between Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp. 




Read more …Changing of the guard at Witrand Hospital

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - It is known as the biggest art competition in South Africa, and this year’s ARTi Gallery Art Competition did not disappoint.

In association with Isinyithi Trading 326, the second national art competition launched in April, welcoming artists from all over South Africa to enter at any age and with any medium. They received approximately 500 entries when submissions closed on October 7. The theme was “Rainbow Renaissance: From Baroque to Braai”, which encouraged artists to re-imagine an old classic artwork by giving it a South-African twist.

Read more …From baroque to braaivleis - art that inspire

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The Klerksdorp /Tshepong Hospital complex has achieved another milestone achieved as part of delivering quality tertiary hospital services to the public.

The latest success which is a successful off-pump bypass surgery done on two patients is the first of its kind in Northwest Province. It comes through a collaboration effort between our local, national and international experts. 


Read more …A first for NW: off-pump bypass surgery

HTS Klerksdorp se matriekklas van 1994 het die naweek van 1-3 November hul 30-jaar reünie gehou. Altesaam 58 oud-leerdlinge en 18 oud-onderwysers het dit bygewoon. Saam met almal se metgeselle was dit ‘n bielie van ‘n reünie. Dit is die eerste keer dat hierdie groep ‘n reünie gehou het en daarom die groot opkoms. Hulle bedank hul borge en het ‘n uitdaging gerig aan plaaslike skole om hul bywoningsrekord vir ‘n reünie te verbeter.


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