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Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - ‘n Jong ma van die stad moet binnekort ‘n breinoperasie ondergaan nadat sy vroeër die maand met ‘n gewas so groot soos ‘n R2 munt op haar brein gediagnoseer is.

Elnika Lombard is bang en angstig vir wat wag, maar kan ook nie meer saam met die erge migraines, dubbelvisie, gebrekkige geheue, moegheid en naarheid saamlewe nie. 

Dié simptome het verlede jaar begin en terwyl haar vorige huisdokter haar klagtes van konstante hoofpyn afgelag het, het ‘n ander dokter haar op 9 April vir ‘n MRI skandering gestuur wat die ergste bevestig het. “Volgens die neurochirurg wil hy so gou moontlik opereer aangesien die gewas groei en reeds fase 2 bereik het. 


Read more …Jong ma het gewas op die brein

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Gang wars in Jouberton are at breaking point where three residents died in recent clashes.

According to Brig Sabata Mokgwabone, police spokesperson, in a bid to effectively deal with gangsterism, eight accused persons were remanded in custody when they appeared in the Klerksdorp Magistrates’ Court on April 24. They were charged with three counts of murder and two of attempted murder. 


Read more …Gang war claims three, eight in court

Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - Nie een van die 22 leerlinge aan boord van die KHS-skoolbus wat vroeër vandeesweek in ‘n botsing betrokke was, is ernstig beseer nie.

Die bus wat koshuiskinders op Maandagoggend 29 April terug na Klerksdorp vervoer het, was ongeveer 05:30 in ‘n botsing met ‘n ander bus betrokke. Dit het op die Ottosdalpad sowat 30 km buite Hartbeefsfontein gebeur.


Read more …Koshuisbus bots teen ander bus

Klerksdorp Record, Stilfontein - The smell of raw sewerage all over town is not only nauseating but the impact the overflowing sewer drains have on the environment and on residents’ health needs to be addressed.

Sewerage problems in Stilfontein are nothing new, but what irks residents most is that nothing seems to be done about it. In Umgeni Street, people are fuming about a gaping trench in the street that was dug to replace a sewer pipe after it collapsed. Resident Barbara Botha is very vocal about the situation after the construction company stopped their work at the site because Matlosana’s Municipal Manager did not sign off on the order. “I cannot blame them for stopping the work, because they need to get paid. I just do not understand why the MM cannot give the go-ahead for the work. In the meantime, all the sewerage gets pumped in storm water drains that ends up in the river.’’


Read more …Serious sewerage problems in Stilfontein

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