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The first House of Strength arm wrestling exhibition tournament was held in Klerksdorp this past weekend with some exciting action among arm wrestlers. Even the young ones got a chance to show their stuff and there was also a ladies arm wrestling bout. The main event between Landu Viviers (The Vicar) and Henning Joubert (Sir Dapper Stache) was a showdown of note with The Vicar eventually taking gold. The event was organised by Blackhouse Sports Entertainment in co-operation with Kraken Armwrestling Club.

Photo: Mejandra Photography.


Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The dust has finally settled after the ICC Women’s T20 Cricket World Cup. With this in mind, Klerksdorp sport star, Tazmin Brits gives her verdict on the final, as well as her partnership with Laura Wolvaardt. 

“When I did it last year for the first time and I was anxious how am I going to match that again? How am I going to have a World Cup where I’m scoring runs but to do it again was great? In a way it is still a bit unreal but I have set expectations of myself now,” she told







Read more …Golden girl Tazmin ready for bigger things

Coenraad Pottas van Pottas Hokke op Stilfontein is die Middelburg jaaroudkampioen met sy duif ZA WPUD 23 773. Hy is ‘n lid van die Stilfontein Posduif Klub en het ‘n eerste plek en drie derde plekke behaal in die Westelike Posduif Unie se prysuitdeling. Hy  is 22ste in die unie se algehele kampioenskap. Op die foto is hy saam met sy mentor, Gerhard Gouws wat al jare duiwe vlieg in Stilfontein.




The SKISA, NW Invitational championships were held where local KSA and WKF affiliated Shotokan and Goju-Ryu clubs competed. The students of Skisa Stilfontein Karate Club travelled to the Jaap Steyn Hall, Recreation Centre on October 12, under the auspices of Sensei Dian de Jongh (coach). He was also the tournament organiser. A team was selected for the 2025 International Kanazawa Cup to be held in Durban in 2025. The club won 17 medals and 17 trophies. Jaco Van Der Post, Juandre Van Der Schyff, Nicole Hayes, MJ van den Berg and Nikita Minie, Vicus Minie, Sensei Dian de Jongh (coach), Ava Jacobs and Lethabo Lemeke took part.



Anthony Hayes, Devan Hattingh and (back) Tholang Makekeng, Daleen Espach, Sensei Dian De Jongh (coach), Lesedi Mokgeti and Tumelo Lemeke took part at the SKISA, NW Invitational championships.





Olerato Maleho, Nicolese Olivier, Sensei Dian de Jongh (coach) and Sasha Saayman with their medals.




Roelof van Tonder en Hanro Alberts is as wenners aangewys by Hoërskool Schoonspruit se gholfdag wat by Orkney gholfklub gehou is. Nadine Swanepoel van die skool het hul pryse oorhandig. Die hoof en personeel het al die borge en deelnemers bedank wat die dag ‘n sukses gemaak het.




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