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Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Johan Lange won a Mr Universe title in the Master Class over 40 category.

The Mr and Ms Universe International Bodybuilding and Fitness Competition was held in Gauteng on October 26.

Lange is an official at Correctional Services. He competed against approximately 300 athletes from around the globe and demonstrated strength and discipline.

According to him, the competition brought together some of the most top fitness athletes worldwide, making this a truly remarkable achievement. 

Representing Correctional Services in Klerksdorp Management Area, this victory not only showcased individual excellence but also reflects the values of resilience, commitment, and hard work entrenched in South Africa’s correctional workforce, said Head of Klerksdorp Correctional Centre Bheki Mthethwa in congratulations.


Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - ‘n Plaaslike renjaer het die afgelope naweek stof in die oë gery van sy teenstanders en die ZA1 titel vir homself opgeëis.

Hendrik Maartens van Star Raceway Klerksdorp was die beste deelnemer in die V8 Lexus klas tydens die WOMZA wedrenne wat by Platinum Raceway in Rustenburg gehou is. Dit het op Saterdag 2 November plaasgevind.


Read more …ZA 1 vir Hendrik Maartens

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Onalenna Khonkhobe trains in the dusty roads of Jouberton.

This marathon athlete took to the streets of Soweto over the weekend and won the Soweto Marathon. He danced over the line, as he was so happy. He bagged R250 000 for this win.

This man from Klerksdorp, as he said on national TV on Sunday November 3, won in a time of 2:18:36, which gives him an average of 3.18 km/h over the 42 km.

In the interview he said that he planned to race hard from the 22 km mark, but as the competition was so tough, he let go at 39 km. He kept the same pace as his run in the Two Oceans.

He is taking a break after the race and will start training on December 26 for the Dischem half-marathon in Bedfordview on January 12.

Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - Tydens die pas afgelope Noordwes Rolbal Ope Pare kompetisies het KBC se manspanne skoonskip gemaak en weggestap met goud, silwer en brons medaljes.

Die span van Errol Booth/Alan Kirkland het die goue medalje verower deur die span van Morné Kretschmer/Henk Heymel in die finaal te klop na ‘n spannende wedstryd wat gelykop geëindig het na normale spel. ‘n Uitspeel rondte was nodig om die wenner te bepaal.


Read more …Klub rol voort na goud, silwer en brons

Sarah-lee Havenga het onlangs deelgeneem aan die IBFF Universe Bodybuilding-byeenkoms. Sy het ‘n 3de plek gekry in die afdeling “bikini over 1.66”. Sy het ook deelgeneem aan Ms Fitness Model en het ‘n 7de plek verower.












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