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Anton Vogt (left), owner of Bass World in Klerksdorp and Rustenburg, competed for Germany at the recent Bass Fishing World Cup at Bolsena Lake in Italy on Saturday October 19. Sebastian Binapfl is his teammate. Team Germany ended fifth overall. Team South Africa ended sixth overall. The event was won by die Spanish.



Die Konfederasie van Jagverenigings van Suid-Afrika oftewel Chasa het nasionale kleure aan die volgende skuts oorhandig. Hulle is almal lid van die Orkney Jagklub. Die topskuts is Adri Ludick, veterane .22 randslag ope klas; Ignus Byleveldt, mans standaard senterslag geweer; Elvira Marais, vroue .22 randslag standard; Kenny Marais, .22 randslag ope en Hennie van Rooyen, .22 randslag ope. Clement Brummer, mans senterslag geweer ope was afwesig met die neem van die foto.



Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The local squash club finals took place recently and it was a night of top-notch squash with lots of excitement, great energy, and nail-biting matches.

Remona Myburg was announced the women’s champion for her outstanding performance.

Jaco Linde claimed the Masters Division title and Divan Potgieter, is the men’s club champion, for a thrilling five-setter that kept everyone on the edge of their seats.

Stef Cornelius was crowned Sportsman of the Year. The event took place on Friday October 18.




Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - Seven students from Escrima Martial Arts participated at the Korean Fighting Systems “Ultimate Fighting Clash” in Nelspruit recently.

They exceeded their own expectations and the following results were achieved. They won a total of 17 medals - eight gold, three silver and six bronze. Escrima Martial Arts ended in fourth place out of 13 participating clubs.

Yalena Nelson won gold medals for open hand forms, weapon forms and speed fighting and also ended in combined second place in the top ten overall log. Luke Abdool achieved gold for evolution fighting and open hand forms and bronze for speed fighting, and Xanté Damon two gold medals for open hand forms and weapon forms. 



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