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Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Lilie, ‘n chihuahua, wat op 31 Januarie vermis geraak het, is steeds weg. Haar mense het ‘n beloning uitgeloof om die klein hondjie terug te kry. Megan Smith se hart is gebreek. Lilie is al vir langer as tien jaar aan haar sy en het per ongeluk uit hul erf in Van Onselenstraat, Neserhof gekom. “Sy was nog nooit buite die erf nie. Sy is so klein en het ongesiens uitgekom. Sy is ligbruin van kleur, haar tong hang effens uit en sy volg ‘n spesiale dieet omdat sy al so oud is. Asseblief, ons wil haar bitter graag terug hê,” smeek Megan.

Read more …Beloning vir Lilie

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - No person may charge a fee to any work seeker for providing employment services to that work seeker. The Employment Services Act further states that a private employment agency must not deduct any amount from the remuneration of an employee or require or permit an employee to pay any amount in respect of the placing of that employee with an employer. 

Read more …Do not pay for employment

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - SANBS is appealing to O+ donors to donate as blood stock levels are critical. SANBS has blood in storage for 2.5 days. SANBS needs to maintain a blood stock level of five days for each blood group to ensure sustained blood availability for patients in need. It is classified as significantly low when it reaches 3.5 days and critical at 3 days.
According to the SABS website, less than 1% of South Africans are active blood donors. A unit of blood only lasts 42 days after donation and, for this reason, it is important for blood donors to donate regularly. Donors can give blood as often as every eight weeks.

Read more …Donate blood today

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