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Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Sassa is responsible for distributing grants and allowances to disadvantaged people who require financial assistance in South Africa. Beneficiaries can receive their payments from selected supermarkets, such as Pick n Pay, Boxer, USave merchants, Checkers and Shoprite, and obtain this through their SASSA card, CashSend, or by getting the amount directly transferred into their bank account. If you are a beneficiary or know of someone who is, you may be wondering when the relevant grant payments will be made. This month’s grants will be paid on February 2 for pensioners, February 3 for disabilities and all other grants on February 6.

Read more …Sassa grants explained

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Die matrieks van 2023 spog met uitstekende uitslae. Noordwes het ‘n slaagsyfer van 81.6%, met die Dr Kenneth Kaunda-skole op 83.5%. Dit is die beste uitslae wat die provinsie nog in die nuwe bestel opgelewer het. Hoërskole Wesvalia en Schoonspruit en Al Huda Moslemskool van Manzilpark het 100%-slaagsyfers in Klerksdorp. Curro Klerksdorp spog ook met 100% in die onafhanklike eksamenraad se uitslae. KHS het ‘n slaagsyfer van 98.5% (132 matrikulante en 130 het geslaag).
Die uitslae van die ander skole in die gebied is HTS (92.4%), Milner (77.4) Orkney (70.3) en Stilfontein (77.4).

Read more …Matriekuitslae

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to start donating blood, it is best to begin immediately. SANBS is appealing to O+ donors to donate as blood stock levels are critical. The current levels are very low.  SANBS needs to maintain a blood stock level of five days for each blood group to ensure sustained blood availability for patients in need. It is classified as significantly low when it reaches 3.5 days and critical at 3 days. According to the SANBS website, less than 1% of South Africans are active blood donors. A unit of blood only lasts 42 days after donation and, for this reason, it is important for blood donors to donate regularly. Donors can give blood as often as every eight weeks.

Read more …Please donate blood

Klerksdorp Midweek, Stilfontein - Various so-called prophets are roaming the streets, stealing from unsuspecting residents. In a recent incident, a man wearing a black hat approached a learner from the local high school, introducing himself as a prophet. Another man approached the learner, who asked for directions. According to W/O Dawie Venter, the investigating officer, the ‘prophet’ gave the man who asked for directions a bag saying he must put his cellphone in it. 

Read more …Learner fooled by ‘prophet’

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - If you collect your grant payment at your local Post Office, you will have to make other arrangements. According to the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa), grant beneficiaries will no longer be able to collect their grants from the Post Office and Postbank. Physical cash payment points will also be phased out according to the organisations. The phasing out will take place from this month. 

Read more …No more cash payment of grants

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