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Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - SANBS moved towards digitalisation to attract and inspire a new generation of donors. “Digitalising donation sites will ensure operational efficiencies and streamline SANBS’ administration processes by using modern Customer Relationship Management systems to ensure donors enjoy an optimised experience,” said Siemi Prithvi-Raj, SANBS Executive for Transfusion Donor Services and Marketing.
“The automated questionnaire will further assist in flagging potential issues in real-time, ensuring improved donor and blood safety,” Prithvi-Raj added.

Read more …SANBS goes digital

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - The annual Toy Run is taking place on November 26 and a bike can be won in the raffle. The entrance fee is R50 or a toy and the starting point is at the Pick n Pay Hyper.  The mass ride will start at 09:00, covering Orkney, Stilfontein and back to Klerksdorp (65 km). The end point is the Portuguese Hall.

Read more …Time for the Toy Run

South Africa has won the Rugby World Cup, beating New Zealand 12-11 in a rain-soaked heavyweight tussle at the Stade de France on Saturday October 28. They certainly did it the hard way - and prevailed. It’s almost ridiculous - how on earth does a team anywhere, in any sport, win three colossal matches by one point each time? France, England and New Zealand will look at this in the days and weeks to come and think ‘how did that happen?’ Well, the Springboks happened. 
Photo: Johan Orton - Caxton Local Media.

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Round Table Matlosane 45 presented a blood drive recently to help SANBS fill their blood stock. 
 “For Matlosane 45, donating blood has become more than just a simple act of charity. It has transformed into a powerful statement about the strength of a community united by a common purpose. 
“The  collective efforts have touched the lives of those facing life-threatening medical conditions, accidents, and emergencies, offering them a lifeline when they need it most,” said Melcolm van der Spuy of the Table.

Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Is jy gereed vir ‘n komiese vermenging van vreugde en tragedie wat jou lag tot in die kern gaan kielie?
Maak gereed om Lizz Meiring se “Van die rak af” se kragtige, tog humoristiese vertoning te beleef. Dit is ‘n vertoning wat jy nie wil misloop nie.
Die VLU Prismatak bied die vertoning op Saterdag 18 November om 11:00 in die Herlewingsentrum, Connielaan, Adamayview aan.  Die vertoning het ‘n ouderdomsbeperking van 14 jaar. Die kaartjies is beskikbaar by Die Wolwinkel in Buffelsdoornweg. Die kaartjies kos R150 elk.

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